Meet Our Team
Shaykh Ali Laraki
Senior Instructor

He is Ali ibn Abdulhaq Al-‘Iraqi al-Husaini. Born in Malaga (Spain) in 1965 and brought up in Tangier (Morocco).
He holds a degree (Ijaza) in Sahri’a and Usul ad-Din by the European Faculty of Islamic Sciences (France). He has studied Islamic Sciences in the traditional way with various ‘ulama like Sheykh Muhammad Al Kassbi (Morocco), Sidi ‘Abd as-Salam Afkir (Morocco), Sheykh Muhammad an-Naifar (Tunisia), Sheykh Muhammad al-Lakhwa (Tunisia), Sidi Muhammad al-Wazzani (Morocco), holding ijazat from some of them.
He has translated into Spanish and commented the Risala of Ibn Abi Zaid al-Qairawani, the Hikam of Ibn ‘Ataillah, the Ajurrumiya of Ibn Ajurrum, the Dala’il al-Khairat of Al-Jazuli, the Burda of Al-Busayri. He is also the author of The Practical Guidebook (a commentary on the Al-Murshid al-Mu’in of Ibn ‘Ashir), ‘Aqida–Two treatises on Muslim Creed, A commentary on Surat al-Fatiha, An Introduction to the Science of Tasawwuf, A Treatise on Islamic Governance and a number of other works.
Under the guidance of Shaykh Abdulqadir as-Sufi, he has lived and taught in South Africa, Spain, the USA and the United Kingdom. He has been Imam Khatib in Newark NJ (USA), Madrid (Spain), the Jami’a Mosque of Cape Town (South Africa) and lecturer in Islamic Studies there at the Dallas College. He has been Imam Khatib at the Ihsan Mosque in Norwich where he taught Tafsir, Ash’ari Aqida and Maliki fiqh.
He currently holds the position of Main Teacher and Adviser of The Meem Institute, an institution established in Leicester in 2011 in order to transmit the three aspects of the Deen, Islam, Iman and Ihsan. He presently runs a weekly circle of Dhikr of Fridays where he imparts the teachings of the Qadiriya-Shadhiliya-Darqawiya tariqa.
Degree (Ijaza) in Sahri’a and Usul ad-Din by the European Faculty of Islamic Sciences (France).
Holds a range of ijazaat by many prominent scholars.
Sheykh Muhammad Al Kassbi (Morocco)
Sidi ‘Abd as-Salam Afkir (Morocco)
Sheykh Muhammad an-Naifar (Tunisia)
Sheykh Muhammad al-Lakhwa (Tunisia)
Sidi Muhammad al-Wazzani (Morocco)
Shaykh Abdulqadir as-Sufi
Join the thousands of students who have graduated over the last two decades!
Fahad Qadri
Systems Test & Automation Executive
❝ Lote Tree College’s free Arabic and Tajweed lessons are a great offering with a choice of online or on-site learning in the West Drayton area.
All the brothers and sisters are inclusive and welcoming. ❞
Hesham Sharkawi
❝ The Lote Tree is an initiative with really great benefits. The information disseminated on Seerah and Fiqh is imparted beautifully and Ustadh Uthman really does make things clear and enjoyable. ❞
Kamran Ahmed
Finance Director
❝ Amazing institute that really leads the way in bringing people together! Run and managed by an amazing team.
Lots of new initiatives (coffee mornings, community BBQ, etc) and engaging talks take place here on a weekly basis. Have always felt very welcome here! ❞