Monthly Dhikr
Last Friday of every month @8pm

This is a monthly event designed for those who want to come together to cleanse and nourish their hearts; seek internal tranquility and gain nearness to Allah and His belovedﷺ.
Dhikr | Food | Family Friendly
Upcoming Monthly Dhikr

Monthly Dhikr
Baber Siddiqi / Ahmad Ikhlas
Last Friday of every month | 8pm
Schedule (40 mins)
- Ta’awwudh
- Surat al-Fatiha
- Istighfar
- Salatul Fatihi
- Qur’an 37:180-2
- Tahlil
- Jawharatul-Kamal
- Qur’an 33:56
- Qur’an 37:180-182
Food is served at the end of the talk
What is Dhikr?
Dhikr is mentioned in many places in the Holy Qur’an, and in most verses, what was meant by the word dhikr is tasbih, glorifying; takbir, exalting; tahmid, praising; and praising and praying upon the Prophet ﷺ.
Allah said in Surat al-Baqara, 152: “Remember Me and I will remember you.” [2:152]
There are many, many verses of Qur’an mentioning dhikr.
There are many ahadith in relation to the merits of reciting dhikr. According to Bukhari, Abu Musa al-Ash`ari related that the Prophet ﷺ said, “The difference between the one who makes dhikr and the one who doesn’t make dhikr is like the difference between the living and the dead.”
Dhikr polishes the heart and is the source of the Divine breath that revives the dead spirits by filling them with the Blessings of Allah, decorating them with His Attributes, and bringing them from a state of heedlessness to the state of complete wakefulness. If we keep busy with Dhikrullah, happiness and peace will be granted to us. Dhikr is the key to happiness, the key to joy, and the key to Divine Love.
Fahad Qadri
Systems Test & Automation Executive
❝ Lote Tree College’s free Arabic and Tajweed lessons are a great offering with a choice of online or on-site learning in the West Drayton area.
All the brothers and sisters are inclusive and welcoming. ❞
Hesham Sharkawi
❝ The Lote Tree is an initiative with really great benefits. The information disseminated on Seerah and Fiqh is imparted beautifully and Ustadh Uthman really does make things clear and enjoyable. ❞
Kamran Ahmed
Finance Director
❝ Amazing institute that really leads the way in bringing people together! Run and managed by an amazing team.
Lots of new initiatives (coffee mornings, community BBQ, etc) and engaging talks take place here on a weekly basis. Have always felt very welcome here! ❞