0208 707 0001 info@lote.org.uk

Lote Tree Qur’an School

  • Learn Qai’dah & Qur’an with Tajweed
  • Mon-Thu, 5-6:30pm (flexible)
  • Ages; 4-13
  • Highly qualified and experienced teachers

Get Started!

We know how daunting it can be when searching for a suitable place for your child to learn the glorious Qur’an.

We offer you a FREE trial session in order to help you make that important decision – contact us now to arrange!

Why Lote Tree Qur’an School?


Our curriculum and pragmatic approach is tailored to suit students of all levels, abilities and backgrounds.


Our team of professional teachers collectively have more than 100 years of experience and specialise in teaching Qurʾān.


We provide a safe and nurturing environment helping students to excel; morally, spiritually and academically.

Here’s What We Offer..

Our sessions are primarily focussed on teaching the Qurʼān with tajweed. We train students to read fluently and accurately along with the memorisation of Sūrahs and Duʿāʾs. Given the focus of our approach and smaller classes, our students accelerate much faster in comparison to those that study in a traditional Masjid setting or large madrassah.

We also believe in providing our students with the type of learning environment they are used to and comfortable with. We’re more like a tuition centre and hence  students sit on tables and chairs in a classroom setting.

We’re based in West London, our address is Lote Tree Foundation, Sipson Lane, West Drayton, UB7 0GJ.

3 minsHeathrow
5 minsCranford
9 minsHayes
10 minsHeston
13 minsHounslow
14 minsUxbridge
15 minsLangley

Prefer Our Online Classes?

Here’s a Comparison

3 Steps To Enrol


We’re here to help!

Choosing the right educational institute for your child can be a daunting experience!

Register your interest or speak to a member of our team and we’ll contact you within 48 hours to discuss your requirements.


You’re nearly there!

Now that we’ve confirmed that we have spaces and answered all your queries, we really look forward to receiving your completed registration form and fees.

Books and school bag are provided.



Your child is now enrolled and we officially welcome you to the Lote Tree School family, where every child’s learning, development and well-being really matters!

Welcome 🙂

Register Your Interest

Enter your details below:

12 + 3 =


Fahad Qadri

Systems Test & Automation Executive

❝ Lote Tree College’s free Arabic and Tajweed lessons are a great offering with a choice of online or on-site learning in the West Drayton area.

All the brothers and sisters are inclusive and welcoming. ❞


Hesham Sharkawi


❝ The Lote Tree is an initiative with really great benefits. The information disseminated on Seerah and Fiqh is imparted beautifully and Ustadh Uthman really does make things clear and enjoyable. ❞


Kamran Ahmed

Finance Director

❝ Amazing institute that really leads the way in bringing people together! Run and managed by an amazing team.

Lots of new initiatives (coffee mornings, community BBQ, etc) and engaging talks take place here on a weekly basis. Have always felt very welcome here! ❞


Let’s Get Started

Ready To Make a Real Change? Let’s Build this Thing Together!